The AHA Development Corporation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in December of 2011, is an affiliate of the Auburn Housing Authority. New York State Public Housing Law Section 37(1)(bb) provides New York State municipal housing authorities with the power to “do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its powers.” This includes the formation of affiliates in the undertaking, planning, construction, maintenance, and operation of any project. As partners, the AHA Development Corporation and the Auburn Housing Authority have demonstrated their ability to manage multiple public and private partnerships, be responsible stewards of public financial resources, and deliver high quality programs and projects to low-income households in Cayuga County.
The mission of the AHA Development Corporation is to expand housing opportunities for homeless, housing-vulnerable, disabled, and low-income individuals and families by developing, renovating, maintaining, and operating decent, safe, and affordable housing that is free from discrimination in Cayuga County.
In early 2013, the AHA Development Corporation applied for and received Low-Income Housing Credit, HOME, and Public Housing Modernization funding through New York State Homes & Community Renewal to complete a $19.1 million acquisition and rehabilitation of Brogan Manor, a deteriorated, 88-unit general occupancy public housing complex in Auburn, New York.
The two-year redevelopment process was completed in October 2015. Through AHA Development Corporation’s actions, environmental hazards are being eliminated, physical barriers are being removed, and rental assistance opportunities are being expanded in the City of Auburn.
In 2014, the AHA Development Corporation applied for and received $6,418,545 in funding from the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation to construct the Merriman Circle on Merriman Street in Auburn. The Complex, opened in April 2017, consists of 28 townhomes, a community building, and playground for homeless single women and families. Eight of the units will be transitional housing, while 20 of the units are permanent housing.
The Rescue Mission Alliance of Syracuse has established offices on-site and provides supportive services to all families residing in the newly-built complex. The Auburn Housing Authority will manage the complex from its on-site offices at the Melone Village apartment complex. All referrals to the complex will be made by the Cayuga County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency Domestic Violence Intervention Program.
In 2016, the AHA Development Corporation applied for and received Low-Income Housing Credit, HOME, and Public Housing Modernization funding through New York State Homes & Community Renewal to complete the $21 million acquisition and rehabilitation of a portion of Melone Village, a 188-unit general occupancy public housing complex in Auburn, New York. On July 1, 2018, the 28 of 62 total units at the property will be complete and temporarily-relocated households will move into the brand new units. The remaining 42 units will be completed by July of 2019.
The AHA Development Corporation plans to submit a funding application for the redevelopment of remaining units at Melone Village in the Fall of 2018.