Brogan Manor and Oak Creek Townhomes
Project-based vouchers are a component of Auburn Housing Authority’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
The Project-Based Voucher Program (PBV) provides low-income households with monthly rental assistance, which is attached to particular units rather than to the tenant. It is not a mobile subsidy that can be taken with you from place to place like a Tenant Based Voucher (TBV).
However, after you have lived in a PBV unit for one year and if you are in good standing, you will be eligible for a TBV when one becomes available. Under the PBV Program, you will pay 30% of your adjusted income toward rent and utilities and the federal government, through AHA’s Section 8 rental assistance program, pays the difference between your payment and the actual rent charged.

Eligibility requirements are similar to the requirements of the Tenant-Based Section 8 Voucher Program. Your family’s annual gross income must be at or below 50% of the local Area Median Income (AMI), voucher size is determined by your family composition, and your apartment is inspected to ensure that it is in good condition before it is approved for the program.
PBV Units & Waitlists
Auburn Housing administers PBV assistance for 68 units in 2 privately-owned rental properties in Auburn. There are 22 PBV units at the Brogan Manor Complex, 16 PBV units at Melone Village, and 30 PBV units at Oak Creek Town Homes.
The PBV waitlists are separate from the regular Section 8 HCV waitlist, and applications are processed through individual sites. Owners screen families for occupancy, and those families are referred to AHA to be placed on the AHA-maintained PBV site-specific waiting lists.
To apply for a PBV unit at Brogan Manor or Melone Village, please complete the rental application on the Apply – Rental tab.
Applications are also available at the AHA office (7 Merriman St., Auburn, NY 13021).
Oak Creek PBV applications are also available at the Oak Creek office (101 Quill Avenue, Auburn, NY 13021).